Check Your Energy: Why Positivity Matters During Hard Times
Do you have a positive attitude? Are you giving others positive energy after talking to them? I hope you are, but if you're having a...
We Meet People For A Reason: A Blog About the Art of Connection
The old saying goes "We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."-unknown. I have always believed...
The Power in Taking a Walk: How Nature Helps Us Discover and Rediscover Ourselves
When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Our society is very much on the go, technology impacts us every day, and our minds...
The Thirst is Real: 3 Tips on How to Keep Hydrated
Are you drinking enough water? The human body is made up of about 60% to 70% of water depending on what biology and anatomy books you...
Are Carbs Important? The Most Discussed Macro-nutrient
Carbohydrates some people fear this macro-nutrient and some people love it! Today I blog about how carbs are an essential part of...
Benefits from Turmeric and Why I Take It
The trending topic of turmeric among the fitness and health industry is quite the buzz (even though turmeric has been around for...
Should I Workout While I'm Sick?
Cough Cough Cough Sneeze. Ahhh winter season, the time of year for people to get sick with a common cold or the flu. A popular question I...
Why Do We Need Sleep? Energy Efficiency.
Are you getting enough Zzzzz's...? In society today a lot of people have issues with energy levels from a number of factors such as...
5 Tips on How to Follow Through on Your New Year Goals
Hello 2019!!! So you made a few New Year Resolutions?! A majority of society falls off on their goals after the month of February and I...
A Letter to 2018: Reflection
Dear 2018, you've been a real pain in my butt haha! Just kidding (sort of lol). In all seriousness this year has been one of the hardest...