Check Your Energy: Why Positivity Matters During Hard Times
Do you have a positive attitude? Are you giving others positive energy after talking to them? I hope you are, but if you're having a...
The Power in Taking a Walk: How Nature Helps Us Discover and Rediscover Ourselves
When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Our society is very much on the go, technology impacts us every day, and our minds...
5 Ways Yoga has Helped Me With Gaining Strength Back
Imagine one day you wake up and lose a ton of physical strength. Well that happened to me earlier this year. I became the girl who once...
Bounce Back: Going Through a Life Road Block? Now It's Time to Make a Comeback.
Hi everyone! In today's blog I discuss how to bounce back into fitness, your goals, and mastering your mind when you hit a life road...
How to Cardio? Machines To Try Out That Are Not a Treadmill
It's your first time stepping into the gym, and you see all the cardio machines. You think about which cardio machine to use? In today's...