Bounce Back: Going Through a Life Road Block? Now It's Time to Make a Comeback.
Hi everyone! In today's blog I discuss how to bounce back into fitness, your goals, and mastering your mind when you hit a life road block. Here are five tips on how to overcome setbacks and make a great comeback:
1. Start by waking up and being thankful- I've recently started practicing yoga in the mornings and it really has helped calm down the mind and focus on what's most important. I've done a few yoga classes back in college, but never really got into it until recently. It's great for the mind and body especially if you are getting back into fitness. What I learned from doing yoga is, remember to be thankful and live in the present moment.
2. Disconnect to reconnect- What I mean by this is sometimes we have to disconnect from toxic things, certain people, social media, cell phones, etc. to reconnect to learning about yourself and unlocking your true potential. Go read a book, listen to a podcast, draw a picture, sit in nature, exercise, etc. do something that is good for you to grow as a person.
3. Believe in yourself- Repeat mantras to yourself like saying "I CAN do this." For example it can be something as simple as this: let's say you haven't done a push up in a long time tell yourself you can and proceed to DO the actual pushup. Daily affirmations are important for getting yourself into a positive state of mind. I have learned that positive self-talk is very crucial for overcoming obstacles.
4. Breathing and meditation- Learning to control your breathing plays a big factor in reducing stress. Deep breath in and exhale out. Giving yourself a few minutes in the morning to breathe and stretch before looking at your phone. This can help start your day off right and help you before or during a stressful moment.
5. Learn something new everyday- Want to master your craft? Start by allowing yourself some time each day to learn about new research and studies, learn a new skill, or listen to someone who knows more about an area of expertise than you. I like to watch TED Talks and read about science, business, and psychology.
All these tips are great, but remember taking action into achieving your goals are going to help you get back on track. Everyone goes through some obstacle in their life, but what matters is how you are going to make a strong comeback and not let a setback define you. Get your mind right and get back on track to living your life to its full potential. Go out there and conquer the day! Hope you all enjoyed this blog!