How I Stepped Up: What Pain has Taught Me So Far
A lot can happen in a year. You may find a new career, cut off loose ends, start a new relationship, or just experience the roller coaster of life. In this blog I discuss how in the last six months I regained my confidence and stepped up my mental toughness game.
Where to begin for starters as you may all know from my last blog I was diagnosed with lupus a disease that has no cure (hopefully one day there will be a cure). I'm going to share a small portion of my pain to help educate you on the matter. I have endured terrible physical pain (joint swelling, nerve issues, Raynauds disease, etc.) from Lupus, I've probably cried enough tears to fill a small plastic grocery store pool lol. (Okay enough of the sad stuff let's get to the good part)
Anyways lupus broke me down physically and mentally. I have learned now that the human body can endure crazy amounts of pain and still survive. Everyone has different pain tolerances, but I think that you can control pain with your mentality. For example, I always know that the physical pain of lupus flare ups will pass with time. I let the lupus flare ups run its course and literally say out loud "No Pain" just like Apollo Creed tells Rocky in Rocky 3 (sounds silly, but it works). You really have to shift your mindset into believing in yourself and realizing that pain is temporary.
A few months ago I had a lot of emotions I bottled up from dealing with the pain lupus has caused me, and I have since learned to cry, let go, and heal myself by simply choosing to move on with life and allow time to heal. A few months ago I had a moment where lupus destroyed my spirit, (no motivational speaker or self improvement books I've read could cheer me up), but guess what it was in that moment I became my strongest. I picked myself up shifted my mindset as this is now a life obstacle that I will have to deal with forever and I will not let Lupus ruin me. My only choice is to be strong no matter what happens, it was truly a defining moment in my life. The moment I shifted my mindset things slowly began to change for me in a positive way. I've learned to look at this not so great situation and gain all the positivity I can muster up from it, which has created a wiser, more empathetic, and stronger version of myself.
I hope sharing this small aspect of my life has taught you that no matter what you are going through you need to keep going. Some of the best teachers in life are pain and how we overcome it. Every person has a defining moment in their life where they either choose to give up or step up and be strong. The secret to being strong is believing in yourself because you truly can achieve anything with a great mindset.
Thank you for reading my blogs! We are out here living!!! Now go watch the sunset and enjoy life!