The Thirst is Real: 3 Tips on How to Keep Hydrated
Are you drinking enough water? The human body is made up of about 60% to 70% of water depending on what biology and anatomy books you may read. Water is a basic necessity in helping humans function, and without water the human body starts to deteriorate. During the summer months people tend to emphasize hydration a lot which is great, but in the winter time some climates become dry and cold. It's just as important to drink water in the summer as it is in the winter. In today's blog I discuss 3 tips on keeping hydrated throughout the day!
Water makes up a large percentage of your body, and this fluid helps keep your body in tact. For example, your muscles, brain, kidneys, lungs, blood, liver, and major organs all need water in order to properly function. Without water the human body and brain will begin to malfunction. As someone who has passed out from dehydration before, I can tell you that it is dangerous and absolutely unhealthy. With that being said let's start with my first tip on staying hydrated:
- Drink a glass of water before sleep and when you first wake up. I try to do this every day because when you are sleeping for about 7-9 hours your body is processing nutrients, hormones, etc. and when your eyes are closed and sleeping you aren't drinking water to stay hydrated. Therefore, when people wake up in the morning they tend to be slightly dehydrated, so drinking water first thing in the morning helps to replenish your body.
- Eat foods that have water in it. What I mean is, eat certain foods that retain water in them. For example vegetables and fruits like zucchini, celery, watermelon, etc. These foods also contain nutrients in them as well, so it's a win win for the body!
- Carry a water bottle with you. I found this important because when you have water that is easily accessible you tend to stay more hydrated which in turn helps you function better plus it may help save you one day. I know this from experience, one day my car broke down in the middle of summer and I was stuck on a street no where near any stores, but luckily I had a water bottle with me to help me in the brutal Vegas summer heat while I waited for help. (Remember when you sweat water is leaving your pores, so stay hydrated.)
Moral of the story, water is essential for human function. Dehydration is horrible, damaging to one's health, and a terrible feeling, so please do not put your body through that. Obviously be sure to drink water periodically throughout the day and I hope my three tips helped you! Stay hydrated my friends!